Tuesday, March 4, 2008

How to get over a boring class? - by Bowie

guys i've saw some post about this, but playing paper-made aeroplane will definately not going to happen in small class like ms.christina's class right?

So i suggest playing ----- bullshit bingo!

Now how to play bullshit bingo during a boring class?

Preparation, before the even class start :

-Find more friends to play, this makes it a lot more funny, and also it wont end up with no winner in the end.

-Make a list of phrases or word, for example: BB6, intensity, start writing, keep quiet, brainstorm... etc ( no simple word like i you we they he she it allowed!! not even good morning and so...)

-picks 25 phrases from the list, arrange them in boxes like how you do in ordinary bingo, show each other your arrangement before the class start. ( copy them to your paper if you scare that they cheat)

during the game:

-the rest is just like ordinary bingo. if someone ( better if its a lecturer ) says the word, cross it out, and keep on until someone win the game

-when you win the game, officially, you're suppose to shout the word "BULLSHITS" out loudly, but since doing so will be too obvious that the lecturer will know something wrong, i suggest shouting out the secret word that we pre-agreed, such as "yeah Bowie you rox!"


-you are not allowed to say the phrases out purposely, instead you can make the lecturer says it naturally, for example, matthew need the word BB6,

ms christina: "alright i will inform you all tonight"
Matt: "so are you going to post it in..." (take note that you cant say the word BB6)
ms christina: "yeah, i will post it in BB6 tonight."

( considering this rule below will bring a lot of confusion, i dont recomment using it before we get familiar with the game)

when chance come, you may say the word out in a more passive way, such as answering a question or request from a lecturer.
(student is not allowed considering them will work together to win the game)

for example, again, BB6

ms christina: "Bowie tell them what to do, i got soft throat"
Bowie: "alright guys ms christina has posted this document in BB6...."

notes: consider prepare another set of data if game over too quickly!

warning: You might fail your exam, AND
Bowie is not going to be responsible for you if you got fired/barred from exam by taylors!
i'm not going to be responsible if anything bad/sad happen ok!

Finally, enjoy!

Your CR,


Anonymous said...

verrry confusing............ seriously...........